We all have a soul.  And our soul is in immediate contact with our  conscious self and infusing our lives to various degrees.  The more we know our soul’s vibration and unique purpose , the more we understand ourselves in relationship to all;  the more likely we are to receive and honor messages from our soul.

This is the experience of being in your eternal light allowing for more capacity to transcend all that is not love, transmuting energies of negativity and darkness (both internal and external) that are interfering.  Soul centeredness leads us to connect with others on the embodied soul level in sacred partnership, actively co-creating with meaningful and beautiful soul expression in all areas of life.

This is our birthright and our natural state.  Let me know how I can be of service to you.

Soul Embodiment Workbook Sessions

I am announcing the creation of “a workbook to help people live more fully in their identity as eternal souls, titled Soul Embodiment – The Path of Purification.” There are a series of small online groups as well as opportunities for individual sessions available. The workbook is designed to help you discover your soul essence and beauty, clarify and attune to your soul purpose, examine and solidify the principles you form your values and decisions by. It also helps people to move away from the “psychological binds” and experience more freedom, creativity, connection to spiritual realms and guidance, etc.  Please join me in the development of this workbook by participating in any way that you feel called.

Group Work

Experience the power of soul centering within a group of truth seekers. Soul Centering Group meeting online. Please contact Diana to join: diana@doorsoflight.org.

Individual Sessions

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of your true nature as a soul, to know more fully who you truly are? Soul-centered sessions help you to create, connect and strengthen pathways to your deeper being. Each session is a unique, creative exploration, helping you to resolve long-standing energetic, emotional and mental patterns that limit your sense of vitality, and allow for the discovery of new healing based in the love and mystical union with all that is. Please contact Diana to seet up a time for an online meeting: diana@doorsoflight.org.

Soul Centered Creativity Retreat

Do you long to create, from the deepest part of your being? Do you often have an inspiration to create something, and then have trouble bringing it into form? Soul Centered Creativity Retreat will help create a sacred space and provide inspiration, nurturing, support and sharing to facilitate a fuller expression of your true wisdom and talents.  We all have aspirations and gifts. Whether you want to write a story, paint what lives inside of you, connect to the world with a website that carries your vision and truth, write a song that moves peoples’ hearts and souls, etc. – or just be in a deeper place of realness and truth, wonder and beauty.

Soul Centered Writing Group

For those seeking deeper truth, wisdom and expression join others for spiritual writing.

You don’t have to be a “writer” to attend the spiritual writing group. You just need to be a human being wanting to live a spiritual life. Your spiritual life.

Writing for us has been a way to synthesize the pain, the joys and the complications of life and it has helped us soothe and find deeper truth inside ourselves. Sharing our lives and truth in community can be a joy, and one that I believe Doors of Light is helping to create.

The group usually consists of writing for 5-20 minutes on three or four spiritual questions. People share their writing with each other or just listen. If you already have spiritual writing that you are working on, feel free to bring that to share.