I truly hope this message finds you well and I want to send you and your loved ones blessings in this extraordinary time.
Because this is a time of profound Soul Emergence, an opportunity for unprecedented healing and connection to the soul level of your being, I would love to invite you to join me online for any of these offerings described below. You incarnated here on Earth right now for a reason. You are here to express your own unique qualities and gifts. Take time to explore your soul’s purpose and how you can make more space in your life for it to come into being.
Soul Alignment Sessions
By appointment
Grounding and profound individual Soul Alignment sessions offered by appointment. These sessions will provide sacred, foundational support for navigating the complexities of this time. Sessions will focus on setting an intention for this time of inner retreat. Participants will be guided to develop a 5 dimensional plan for supporting their soul care in these days. This can be a one-time or recurring appointment, between 15 and 60 minutes. Please email or call me with a time you are available.
Soul Emergence Guidance
Soul Emergence in this time of Purification. This is an individual or small group process using a Soul Embodiment Guide with written reflection exercises. This facilitated process helps one to embody spiritual principles, live true to one’s higher calling and navigate this profound journey we are all on together. Call for an introductory session.
Prayer Group for the Healing of the Earth
Every Wednesday at 8:00 pm
My partner Gordon and I host a weekly meditation/prayer group on behalf of the earth in connection to our Light Omega Spiritual Community. Please join us Wednesdays by viewing the Light Omega calendar at: https://lightomega.org/calendar/ and click the Prayers for the New Earth link for any Wednesday.
I truly believe healing happens in relationship and am glad to have had the joy of sharing this journey with all of you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in any way. All programs and sessions are offered from a pay from the heart model. Please don’t make a lack of money a barrier if you feel called to do this work with me. For more information contact Diana at 413.687.7748 or diana@doorsoflight.org.