Contact Information
Diana Catherine Bella
91 Long Hill Road, Leverett, MA
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Donate to Doors of Light
Dear Soul Friends,
We are all souls seeking to know our unique purpose as sacred beings, to heal the personal and planetary issues that hamper the greater infusion of sacredness within us and in the planet as a whole. It is the mission of Doors of Light to support souls in this Divine undertaking.
The work I am being guided to offer is Soul-to-Soul healing work that only happens in relationship. I hold this to be a sacred trust and am grateful for your trust, your openness to be in relationship with me in this way.
I have been guided to offer all of my work on a Pay from the Heart basis, because I feel no one should be denied access to this healing for financial reasons. Doors of Light is my sole income; anything I receive, beyond basic living expenses, goes into making this work available to those less able to pay. Please search your heart for what is in right relationship to what you are able to give.
Who you are matters and what you give matters. I thank you for the gift of sharing this sacred journey with each of you.
Diana Catherine Bella
Please click here to donate via Paypal. A Paypal account is not required; you can also make a credit card payment by following the link. Gratitude and blessings.